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Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the court appoint a Monitor over the NYPD? 

The court appointed an independent monitor to make sure that the NYPD complies with the court-ordered reforms required to bring the NYPD’s stop and frisk practices into compliance with law. 

What did the court’s orders require the NYPD to do with respect to its stop-and-frisk practices?

The court required a set of reforms of the NYPD’s policies, training, documentation, supervision, monitoring, and discipline regarding stop and frisk.  

What is the purpose of the NYPD Monitor?

The Monitor is responsible for developing, in consultation with the NYPD and plaintiffs’ counsel, reforms to the NYPD’s stop and frisk practices. The Monitor regularly conducts compliance and progress reviews to assess the extent to which the NYPD has implemented and complied with the reforms required by the court. The Monitor can identify non-compliance or barriers to compliance promptly, and work with the parties to address any problems. The Monitor also files public reports so that there is transparency with communities that the NYPD serves.

What does the NYPD Monitor Team do?

The Monitor Team engages in a variety of activities to oversee the required reforms, including, among others:
• Reviewing NYPD polices related to stop and frisk
• Reviewing and evaluating stops made by NYPD officers, by reviewing stop reports, body-worn camera (BWC) videos of stops and other NYPD records relating to stops 
• Reviewing and evaluating trespass arrests made by NYPD officers, by reviewing arrest reports, body-worn camera (BWC) videos of arrests and other NYPD records relating to arrests 
• Observing NYPD training related to NYPD stop and frisk practices
• Conducting site visits to NYPD commands
• Meeting with the NYPD, the City Law Department, counsel to the plaintiffs, and representatives of community organizations
• Attending NYPD’s Early Intervention Committee meetings 
• Reviewing and evaluating NYPD investigations of citizen complaints of racial profiling 
• Issuing reports on the NYPD’s progress or lack thereof in achieving the reforms required by the court. 

How does the Monitor Team engage with the communities in New York City most affected by the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices?

The Monitor Team meets with organizations that represent and advocate for members of the community most affected by the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices to hear their views and perspectives. 

Can I submit a police misconduct complaint to the NYPD Monitor?

No. If you have an inappropriate encounter with a police officer, you can file a complaint with the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB). The CCRB’s purpose is to investigate and mediate complaints about misconduct by NYPD officers.
You can file a complaint by doing any of the following:
• Complete the CCRB online complaint form;
• Call 1 (800) 341-2272;
• Call 311;
• File a complaint in person by at the CCRB office (100 Church St., 10th Fl., New York, NY 10007); or
• Write a letter to CCRB at the above address;

Go to any police station and either file a complaint there or pick up a CCRB complaint form and fill it out at home and mail it to the above address. 

How can I stay informed?

Follow the NYPD Monitor on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and check on events and news on the Monitor’s website.

How can I get involved?

To learn more about the Monitor Team’s work and get involved, visit our Resources & Reports page.

What are my rights when I’m stopped by a police officer?

Visit our Know Your Rights page for detailed information about what your rights are when you are stopped by a police officer.

How can I request Body-Worn Camera (BWC) footage from an encounter I have with the police?

To learn how to request BWC footage, visit our Know Your Rights page.

If I’m stopped by the police, how can I get a copy of my Stop Report?

To learn how to get a copy of your Stop Report, visit our Know Your Rights page.