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Our Work


The Monitor Team engages in a variety of activities to oversee the required reforms, including:

  • Reviewing NYPD polices related to stops, frisks and searches to ensure they meet constitutional standards
  • Reviewing and evaluating stops made by NYPD officers, by reviewing stop reports, body-worn camera (BWC) videos of stops and other NYPD records relating to stops 
  • Reviewing and evaluating trespass arrests made by NYPD officers, by reviewing arrest reports, body-worn camera (BWC) videos of arrests and other NYPD records relating to the arrests 
  • Observing NYPD training related to NYPD stop and frisk practices for both in-service officers and NYPD recruits
  • Conducting site visits to NYPD commands
  • Meeting with the NYPD, the City Law Department, counsel to the plaintiffs, and members of the community most affected by NYPD’s stop and frisk practices
  • Attending NYPD’s Early Intervention Committee meetings 
  • Reviewing and evaluating NYPD investigations of citizen civilian complaints of racial profiling 
  • Issuing regular reports on the NYPD’s progress or lack thereof in achieving the reforms required by the court


From the outset of the monitorship, the Monitor Team has worked collaboratively with counsel for the Floyd, Ligon, and Davis plaintiffs, the City of New York, and the NYPD.  


The Monitor exists to ensure that the NYPD is making sufficient reforms to bring its use of stops, frisks, and searches into compliance with the Constitution. This chart shows the overall number stops recorded by the NYPD each quarter, as well as their rate of constitutional compliance, as determined by the Monitor. Separate compliance rates are shown for stops, frisks, and searches.


As part of the court order, the Monitor is required to publicly file reports, which detail the NYPD’s level of compliance with the court’s mandated reforms. Since this monitorship began in 2013, the Monitor Team has filed a wide range of reports, including both general reports concerning the NYPD’s overall level of compliance, as well as more specific reports regarding topics such as racial disparities in the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practices and the NYPD’s implementation of body-worn cameras.